At Finishline IV Hydration, we are committed to helping you achieve optimal health and wellness. Whether you're looking to boost your immunity, manage chronic health conditions, or simply live a healthier lifestyle, we have the resources and expertise to help. Browse our website to learn more about our products and services and start your journey to better health today!
Your body needs water, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes to function efficiently and stay healthy.
Hydration, vitamins, and electrolytes will help to replenish what is lost while participating in physical activities or drinking alcohol. Our treatments help you pre-hydrate and rehydrate better than any other alternative. Provide your body with the vital nutrients it needs to optimumly operate.
When it comes to getting rid of that nasty hangover, I.V.'s are the best option, period. Experience the same treatments that have been curing hangovers in Vegas and Miami for years.
We've made this essential service available to you at events to replenish your vitality and wellness as quickly and comfortably as possible.
Our premier drip is designed especially for people serious about optimizing their potential!
Podium will enable you to boost your performance when you need it the most..Packed with Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Zinc, Magnesium, Taurine, Glutathione, Lipo-B and Amino Acids this is our most powerful support your overall health and well-being.
Fluids, vitamins, and antioxidants aid your body and supercharge your immune system to fight off illness.
We become vulnerable due to stress, nutritional deficiency, or illness. Providing your body with nutrients and vitamins aids to fight off becoming sick. A mega dose of Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin B, magnesium and glutathione.
Went a little to hard?
Was last night a blur?
Did you make poor decisions?
Make a great decision and get back on course NOW!! The Hammered infusion will get you back into your party animal old self in a very short amount of time.
Our stomach flu IV treatment is the most rapid way to combat the symptoms of food poisoning or the stomach flu.
Nausea can make it all but impossible to ingest fluid or medications. The multivitamins, anti-nausea, and pain medications in our hurl infusion are administered directly into your bloodstream, by bypassing your digestive system to provide instant relief.
Fluids, electrolytes, and vitamins to help boost your energy levels and improve your overall health.
Do migraines paralyize you? Everyone who has ever experienced migraines is aware of how disruptive they can be to your life. Magnesium has successfully treated patients who suffer from migraines because it decreases sensitivity to light and sound. Toradol amd Zofran will aid in the pain and the nausea associated with migraines.
I.V. Hydration is finished in as little as 30 minutes and is felt immediately. The intravenous route is the fastest way to deliver vital fluids, medications, electrolytes, and vitamins to the body to ensure optimum hydration.
When fluids and vitamins are taken orally the body can only absorb about 50-60% of it. When you use an I.V. hydration treatment the body absorbs 100% of whatever is being administered.
I.V. hydration can help you recover from the muscle aches of a hangover or to reduce the likelihood of you getting a cramp during the race.
I.V. fluid treatments have been utilized by the healthcare industry for decades, however, in order to get this service in the past you needed to make an appointment weeks out at an office that you'd have to drive to. We wanted to do things differently. That's why our company comes to every event and sets up our mobile clinic to quickly help people right then and there so that they can get back to enjoying what they are there to do. Making it easier for you to stay at your best.
Experience the difference when you use our IV drip available at your favorite event. We bring high-quality rehydration to you, wherever you are competing.
You’re asking a lot of your body when you compete at a high level. Athletes who engage in rigorous training, strenuous workouts, or endurance events may all benefit from IV therapy for muscle recovery.
IV treatment is highly recommended if you compete in hot weather, which can increase your risk of dehydration. Athletes need to rehydrate as quickly as possible. Dehydration may hinder muscle recovery, leading to weakness, severe cramping, or heightened heartbeats, all of which negatively affect athletic performance. If an athlete stays dangerously dehydrated for long, it could lead to more concerning issues, such as muscle damage and kidney problems.
Podium Iv therapy is best utilized 12- 24 hours before you compete.
When you leave it all out on the track, what’s left in the tank? High-intensity or endurance competition can deplete the body of necessary fluids. Dehydration makes it difficult to perform at your best. You can feel fatigued and sluggish physically and mentally, and it may take longer for your muscles to recover from strenuous exercise because dehydration exacerbates pain, soreness, and cramping. It’s an ideal recovery IV to help maximize your training and performance.
Rapid Recovery is designed for high-intensity sports recovery. Rapid Recovery s a great source of rapid rehydration that gets you back to full strength. You’ll feel energized, exhilarated, and ready to get back to competing in the sport you love.
Finishline IV Therapy has a strong belief that only the highest quality ingredients will add benefit to an athlete's program. This is why we source all of our vitamins from 503 B pharmacies. Based on years of industry knowledge and research, hours at the track, and competing in the field, our team has put in the work to bring you premium infusions. You can trust us because we are you. Knowledge is power, so read on to learn more about Finishline IV high-quality ingredients.
Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant. It is a tripeptide – a combination of three amino acids: glycine, cysteine, and glutamine. It’s produced by the liver and found in every cell in the body. As an antioxidant, glutathione’s benefits include the ability to fight harmful free radicals that cause cell damage and kill healthy cells. Glutathione is involved in building and repairing tissue and producing chemicals needed by the body and immune system. Glutathione also aids in increasing your energy level and energy metabolism.
Glutathione enables free radicals, toxins, heavy metals, and other biologic undesirables stick to the glutathione causing their elimination from the body. Reduces oxidative stress, reduces inflammation, promotes high energy and mental clarity.
This is an ideal IV therapy for athletes as you need a lot of energy for peak performance. By receiving this IV drip before an athletic event, you’ll be able to experience the full effects including an increase in energy and mental clarity, a reduction in inflammation and a decrease in muscle fatigue.
Magnesium can prevent, reduce inflammation, aids in DNA & RNA production and helps increase cellular absorption. The largest benefit of magnesium is that is relieves muscle cramping and improves nervous system function.
Getting enough magnesium is vitally important for muscle in your body. Magnesium is vital in that it helps the body absorb calcium and as a result, athletic performance improves. Magnesium also calms sore muscles as well as remove lactate from muscles and help move blood sugar in.
B-Complex Vitamins
This is a family of vitamins that take on various roles in the body, such as metabolic support, energy production, cardiovascular support. B complex plays a significant role in the replication of DNA, the normal functioning of the nervous system, and the formation of blood cells. It provides increased energy and metabolism.
B-12 ( Hydroxocobalamin )
Vitamin B12 plays a crucial part in the synthesis of new cells, such as red blood cells, and is also hugely involved in the repair and replacement of damaged cells as the body rebuilds tissues. Help alleviate fatigue, mental fog, and more! Cofactors in countless metabolic reactions that are used to make energy as well as maintain cellular functions.
Vitamin C ( Ascorbic Acid)
This is an antioxidant vitamin that promotes muscle growth, and circulatory function encourages wound healing, cell repair, expels free radicals, and increases bone strength and health.
Vitamin C helps assists the immune system by helping in the production of nearly all immune system cells and functions when pathogens are detected. The antioxidant properties in vitamin C also reduce inflammation and irritation in the tissues caused by free radicals.
Taurine is an amino acid that plays an important role in muscle health and enhances exercise performance by increasing fat-burning, reducing fatigue, and preventing muscle damage. Known for providing an instant boost of energy and stamina that will improve your athletic performance. Forms bile salts, which play an important role in digestion. Shown to remove waste products that lead to fatigue and cause muscle burn. It also protects muscles from cell damage and oxidative stress.
Many people associate Taurine with energy drinks. The form of taurine used in energy drinks is created synthetically. The taurine we utilize in our drips is a natural plant-based form.
Lipo- B is required for ATP (Adenine Triphosphate) – the source of energy storage and use in the body at a cellular level – which can speed up your metabolism, increase vitality, boost energy, and aid in the elimination and detoxification of toxins in the body. Lipo- B increases endurance, enhance weight loss, and prevents muscle breakdown.
The lipotropic effects facilitate the burning of adipose tissue within the human body which may, consequently, result in some degree of weight loss. Lipo-B injections are typically used as fat loss supplements, in combination with diet and exercise, in weight loss plans. The combination of products that make up the Lipo-B (MIC) injection are methionine, choline, and cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12).
Zinc is a proven remedy against oxidative stress and inflammation. Zinc is essential for the proper function of the immune system. Zinc helps with gene expression, enzyme functions, and prevents infection. It is used in cell growth, cell division, and wound healing.
Research shows that zinc can inhibit the process that causes mucus and bacteria that can build up in nasal passages.
Toradol is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain medicine that helps with pain, inflammation, fevers and migraines. Anti-inflammatory medications work by reducing the production of the chemicals that cells of the immune system make that cause redness, fever, and pain.
An anti-nausea medication that is used to address symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and upset stomach.
Pepcid is a fast acting medication used to prevent and treat heartburn and other symptoms caused by too much acid in the stomach (acid indigestion).
Service Policy
The services provided have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any therapy program.